Sorry I stole your car

I was sent the image and the words attached to this TFTD via Social Media and wanted to share it further.

“Sorry I stole your car. Saved my family!”- an incredible story from a resident of Kyiv.“

I left the bomb shelter and saw a car with keys in the ignition near the store. I watched it for two hours, waited for the owner – I didn’t wait. I took my family, got in the car and drove to Vinnitsa to visit relatives. I found a phone number in the glove compartment and called the owner:-

Sorry, I stole your car. Saved my family.

Thank God, don’t worry, I have 4 cars. I took my family out in my Jeep. The rest of the cars I filled with fuel and left in different places with the keys in the ignition and a number in the glove compartment.

I received calls back from all cars. There will be peace-see you. Take care of yourself!”

Random acts of kindness. The owner of the cars was obviously wealthy and showed radical generosity to people he or she would never meet and expected nothing in return.

Prayer: We continue to pray for the situation in Ukraine. Lord we pray for those who have lost everything, who arrive in a strange place with nothing but the clothes they are wearing. Help us to show random acts of kindness, help us to share radical generosity, but most of all we pray for peace in that war torn country and in the hearts of all civilians, soldiers, politicians and decision makers. AMEN