Singapore Part 3

On Sunday the 15th May Richard and I attended the morning service in Hakka Methodist Church. It is very close to his apartment. It was very hot and so the coolness inside the church was a huge relief. We were warmly greeted and shown where to sit. The first thing I noticed was the beautiful stained glass window at the front of the church. It reminded me of the window in Trimley church.

The music was provided by the worship band and the service was led by the Rev. Irman Halin. Some of the hymns were new to me but we did sing the modern version of Amazing Grace—a personal favourite of mine. Thankfully all the relevant points from the sermon were shown on the screen as there were times when I didn’t catch everything the minister said. His sermon was based on the book of Titus and the importance of how we live our lives to honour God.

At the end of the service we spent quite a while talking to church members. It was really good to attend a service in another country’s church and to find out how they were doing things. It has only been quite recently that they have started to sing again and it was the first Sunday when the Leadership team greeted folk as they left the church.

 I brought greetings from the Felixstowe Peninsula Methodist Churches and with the words of Titus 3 v 15 (The Message) “All here want to be remembered to you. Say hello to our friends in the faith. Grace to all of you.”