Lord’s Prayer

We have recently had a Prayer Day with our local Primary School where we explored creative ways of saying the Lord’s Prayer. How often so we say the Lord’s Prayer – most, if not all Sundays? But how often do we stop and think about what it really means? Here are some of my thoughts.

“Our Father in heaven, hallowed by thy name.”

Our Father, or Mother, is the One who created us; the One who supplies our every need, without counting the cost; the One whose heart breaks when we do wrong, but who forgives us anyway; the One loves us, unconditionally.

In heaven, is not some far distant galaxy, or some utopian dream. Heaven is around us now, heaven on earth, but also is that place where we will be with God and Christ, with no pain or suffering, no anger or hatred, no evil or sin, a place of eternal peace. God our Father is waiting there, like the father of the prodigal son.

Hallowed, or holy, be thy name. What does your name mean? My name, Elizabeth, means “God is my oath.” Sadly, I do not often live up to that name. Our Father, is a holy name, a special name that draws us closer to Him. Our Father is a name to be revered, to be respected, to be held in awe – not in an elitist, or exclusive fashion, rather in a way we might hold a precious jewel, or a delicate flower. For Our Father holds us in His hands, as if we were each His only child, precious and loved.

Prayer: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Lord, we are in awe of you, for all the love that you shower on us, is undeserved yet freely given. Thank you that you created us in your image, and that you love us unconditionally through every twist and turn of life. You are unlimited majesty, eternal presence and gracious love. Thank you that we are part of your family. AMEN