Are you afraid?

A mother eagle builds a comfortable nest for her young, padding it with feathers from her own breast. But the God-given instinct that builds that secure nest also forces the eaglets out of it before long. Eagles are made to fly and love will not fail to teach them. Only then will they become what they are meant to be.

So, one day the mother eagle will disturb the twigs of the nest, making it an uncomfortable place to stay. Then she will pick up a perplexed eaglet, soar into the sky, and drop it. The little bird will begin to free-fall. Where is mama now? She is not far away. Quickly she will swoop under and catch the fledgling on one strong wing. She will repeat this exercise until each eaglet is capable of flying on its own.

Are you afraid of free-falling? Remember, God will fly to your rescue and spread His everlasting arms beneath you. He will also teach you something new and wonderful through it. Falling into God’s arms is nothing to be afraid of.”

A while ago, Drew and I were watching TV and there was a programme where an antiques dealer was being introduced to an eagle and he was allowed to have it perch on his arm. You could see that he was feeling quite nervous about it and his arm was shaking when he felt the weight of the bird.

I remarked about the size of the eagle’s beak and talons. They could do considerable damage and I’m glad that I was not its prey. But behind all these dangerous elements there is love for its family.

As in life we face many dangers but behind them is God’s love waiting to catch us in His strong arms.

God’s love does not keep us from trials but sees us through them.