Could we be wrong?

There is a plethora of faiths around the world today – political, economic, social and, of course, religious. We are familiar with the many religions practised in our time – the well-known ones like Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Shintoism, Confucianism, atheism, Satanism, Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses and many others not so well known.

Of the multitude of choices facing us, how do we know which one to adopt or to give our allegiance to?

How do we know which one is right or true?

Are there tests that we can use to assess the truth or viability of any particular faith or belief?

It seems there are 3 relevant, basic tests which spring readily to mind and which can properly be

applied to any religious faith. Put the faiths, their beliefs and practices, under the microscope, so to speak, and see what can be seen.

Firstly, does the teaching of the religion match the reality in all respects of the world in which we live?

Secondly, is the teaching coherent, does it hang together without inconsistencies or contradictions?

Finally, is the teaching practical and liveable?

What do you find as you apply these 3 tests to any of the faiths mentioned above?