How much are you worth?

All America waited anxiously. Many people prayed. Captain Scott O’Grady’s F-16 had been shot down as he was flying over Serbia. Had he been killed or captured? Was he seriously injured? The hours ticked by. Five days passed. On the 6th day another pilot picked up a faint message from O’Grady’s radio. He was alive, managing somehow to hide from hostile soldiers.

Immediately all the resources needed for a daring rescue operation were set in motion. O’Grady was snatched up to safety by a helicopter—-and America rejoiced. Newsweek magazine reported that the weapons and machinery used for the rescue of that one pilot were valued at $6 billion.

We can’t estimate the value of one human soul—because we could never calculate the price God paid to rescue us. He sent His Son to become our Saviour. Jesus Christ died on the cross and shed His precious blood to rescue us from the kingdom of darkness (1 Peter 2 v 18-19). If all the stars in all the galaxies were changed to platinum, that incalculable sum could not begin to purchase our salvation!

Even though O’Grady must have had training in how to cope with the situation he found himself in, it must have been terrifying. Being in a foreign country with no help or resources. I imagine that refugees must be terrified when they arrive in a foreign country with only the hope of a better life to sustain them.

Please pray that help and resources will be provided to help the many thousands of refugees.

We as individuals may not be able to do much about the situation but we can pray.