East of the Sun


For their 150th Anniversary Celebrations Woodbridge Methodist Church has invited popular local band East of the Sun to give a concert. The group already rehearse in the church’s Upper Rooms and this concert will be free admission with donations invited for the church’s community work including the defibrillator placed by the church in their car park for the public’s use in a cardiac emergency.

This fun concert with blues and classic pop elements will take place on   

Saturday 5th March at 6.30 pm.

East of the Sun have headlined several gigs in the area, including a fund raiser concert in Elmhurst Park in aid of the Friends of Woodbridge Library. They play at weddings too. Come and hear their unique, classic pop style.

Richard Guest, the Senior Steward at the churchcommented:

“We are delighted to welcome East of the Sun for this gig at our church. Almost 150 years ago the church building was being completed and we have since built new rooms on the side and back for community groups to hire. Next month Woodbridge Orchestral Society will be giving a concert and Woodbridge Choral Society are rehearsing here too. Our work in the community is a valuable part of our church’s outreach”.