Making sense of the Trinity : 3 crucial questions 

Making sense of the Trinity : 3 crucial questions  by Millard J Erickson   Baker Books, 2000  £8.99
108 pages  ISBN 978 0 801 062 872

This is an excellent book dealing with a difficult doctrine in the Christian faith.

Millard Erickson is an American scholar, a professor of theology.

In answering three crucial questions

Is the doctrine of the Trinity Biblical ?

Does the doctrine of the Trinity make sense ?

Does the doctrine of the Trinity make any difference ?

the author covers, with detailed Biblical and other references, the reason why orthodox Christianity has held this as part of our faith from early days (the Council of Nicaea 325AD), how it is a reasonable part of the faith and how holding to this part of the faith makes a difference to Christian living.

That the Trinity per se is not explicit in the Scriptures is openly acknowledged but the evidence is implicit in both Old and New Testaments. He who has eyes to see, let him see.

The case is well made in a compact and compelling style