Rogues, Scoundrels & Scallywags of Scripture

This series of “Thoughts for the Day” is inspired by the study series, NOTORIOUS, written by Jeff Lucas. He and Pastor Brent discuss 9 different characters from the bible who we would possibly call rogues, scoundrels or scallywags. Each one however can teach us something of our faith.

Cain – the first born of Adam and Eve, will always be remembered as the man who murdered his younger brother, Abel. So, what can we learn from him? With any crime, there is always some “back story”. We learn in Genesis 4 that Abel was a herdsman and Cain worked the land. When it came to the time of worshipping God, Abel brought the fat portions, the best meat of newest lambs; whereas, Cain brought finest fruits.

God was pleased with Abel, but not so with Cain. This made Cain angry, and allowed jealousy to fill his heart. Cain arranged to be out in the field with his brother, and killed him. When God asked Cain where his brother was, he lied, and pretended not to know.

This evil deed all stemmed from Cain’s jealousy over God favouring Abel. Why was God not pleased with Cain? He brought the fruits of his labour as an offering to God. The point is, that this was not what God wanted. As Abel had brought a fat firstborn lamb, it is likely that both he and Cain would know what the rules were for true worship, but Cain thought he know better.

Do we sometimes think we know better than God about what he wants? Do we try and get away with second best? Do we simply go through the motions? Are we obedient to God, even if it is sometimes easier to go our own way? If we get it wrong, what is our attitude? Do we acknowledge our mistakes or sulk in a fit of jealousy?

PRAYER: Loving God, forgive us when we think we know what you want and try to do it our way? Help us to remove any anger or jealousy in our hearts that we hold towards others? May we truly worship you, the One who created us, and who loves us. AMEN