On reading William’s Thought for the Day on Wednesday I was thinking how much I miss seeing people smile.

I went to the library last week and the Manager, who I know quite well as I go regularly, said I didn’t recognise you for a minute.  In the cold weather I had my coat done right up to the neck, hat on and gloves – and, of course, a mask.  We do lose a lot by wearing a mask, but it is really essential at the moment.

In 2020 I put Spike Milligan’s poem Smile on Thought for the Day and I read it every now and then.  So, I thought I would share it again.

Smiling is infectious,

You catch it like the flu,

When someone smiled at me today,

I started smiling too.

I passed around the corner

And someone saw my grin.

When he smiled I realised

I’d passed it on to him.

I thought about that smile,

Then I realised its worth

A single smile, just like mine

Could travel round the earth.

So, if you feel a smile begin,

Don’t leave it undetected.

Let’s start an epidemic quick,

And get the world infected!

I know smiling is difficult to see wearing a mask, but if you smile often your eyes do as well!  So, let’s have a smile on our faces and infect the world with smiles not coronavirus!!

God bless you all.