
Thought for the Day is from 1 John 1 v9.
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

Hijackers terrorised the passengers aboard an Indian Airlines jet for 8 days. Then, on December 31, 1999, the gunmen issued a final demand before releasing their hostages. “Sorry but everyone has to say that I am forgiven,” said the hijacker code-named “Burger.” When the disbelieving passengers stared back at him, he ordered them to say, “I forgive you.” After hearing the words, the hijackers disappeared into the desert.

Not many of us would be so arrogant as to insist that someone forgive us. And we certainly wouldn’t demand that of God. Why? Because most people sense that His mercy and pardon can be received only by a humble, sincere and repentant heart.

None of us is truly free without forgiveness. We need God’s, and others need ours.

Forgiveness is difficult. Two men in Northern Ireland, who had committed some terrible atrocities,  repented of their crimes and became Christians while serving their prison sentences.

When released they told their stories in schools etc to try to encourage young people from entering a life of crime. They also became good friends which was practically unheard of as they had been bitter enemies.

Sometimes it is harder to forgive ourselves for things we have done or said. Thankfully we have an amazing God who will forgive us when we ask because He loves us.

Let’s be thankful that confession is the key that opens the door to forgiveness.