Fruits of the Spirit 7

Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

Hannah was a troubled young woman. She shared her husband, as was the custom, with another wife, who had produced many sons and daughters. Sadly, Hannah was unable to fall pregnant. Still her husband loved her and cared for her, giving her double rations when it came to food.

Hannah was still sad, and when she came to the tabernacle for the regular festivities, it was obvious to all around her that she did not feel like celebrating. She spent her time instead, praying quietly to God.

Deaf old Eli couldn’t make out her prayers and accused her of drunkenness, however Hannah was undeterred and explained how she was talking to God. There must have been something in her demeanour that made Eli realise that this lady was not in fact drunk but in genuine conversation with God.

In time, Hannah is blessed with a son, and faithful to her promise to God, she dedicates her young son in service to the Lord. She was willing to offer to God the one thing she desired in life, her own son.

God was faithful to Hannah in granting her desire.

In turn, Hannah was faithful to God. How would we have reacted in similar circumstances?


Loving God, you are faithful to us in our despair, you are faithful to us in our hopes, your promises never fail, and you answer each of our prayers. Help us to be faithful to you and to others. When times are good it easy to be faithful, yet we often forget that it is in your strength that we prosper; and when times are tough we fear you will not hear or answer our prayers, and so it is difficult to be faithful. Forgive our weaknesses and help us to see how you are faithful in everything. AMEN