Connexion Christmas Service

Available as audio only, above is the Christmas Service from the connexion for 2021.

Note: We have not recorded a video service for Sunday 26th December. Instead we invite you to either watch the service produced for 24th/25th December, or listen to this Christmas Service produced by the Methodist Connexion.

The connexion Christmas Service follows the presidential theme of God’s Table,  An Invitation For All.  We meet those who extend that invitation into our communities, hearing from chaplains working with farmers, shoppers and revellers, a minister who volunteers as a Guide leader and the Methodist Forces’ chaplain on the Falkland Islands who tells us how Christmas is celebrated in the South Atlantic.  All this, along with carols, readings and reflections.

Running order:

00:00 Hymn: Beneath the paper wrapping (Look inside) StF 192
03:08 Hymn: O little town of Bethlehem  Stf 213
06:39 Prayers of Waiting and Longing, Barbara Easton (Vice-President)
09:00 Into the darkness, Poem StF 173, verse 1 read by Revd Michaela Youngson
09:50 Feature: Revd Elaine Hutchinson Birmingham City Centre Retail Chaplain
11:53 Reading: Luke chapter 2 verses 1-5 read by Revd Gary Hopkins, Ministry Development Officer
13:05 Hymn: How hard was that Journey (StF+)
17:13 Feature: Revd Jenny Pathmarajah, Faith inclusion specialist with Girl guiding
20:22 Reading:  Luke 2 v 6-15, read by Doug Swanney, Connexional Secretary  
22:00 Feature: Paul Trenberth Rural chaplaincy
25:40 Into the darkness, Poem StF 173, verse 2 read by Deacon Ruth Richey, Deputy Warden of the Diaconal Order.
26:30 Feature: Carol Henderson, a street pastor in Nottingham
29:26 Reflection from the Revd Sonia Hicks – President of the Conference
38:27 Hymn: Hark the Herald Angels Sing, Stf 202
41:29 Feature: Revd (Flt Lt) Jo Critchley Force Chaplain, the Falklands
44:47 Prayers for the World, Revd Jonathan Hustler, The Secretary of the Methodist Conference  
46:58 Into the darkness, Poem StF 173, verse 3 read by Mandy Briggs
47:45 Hymn: StF 210 Love came down at Christmas
50:05 Prayer and Blessing Revd Sonia Hicks, President of the Conference
55:50 Reading: John 1 v 1-4 Daud Irfan Youth President

PLEASE NOTE: The content of this CD is under copyright and may not be reproduced for commercial use or resale. All of the songs (music and lyrics) are in the public domain, all of the featured performers have given their permission for use on this CD and for any sharing, broadcast and online use, including streaming. © Trustees for Methodist Church purposes 2021. This CD may not be resold. All rights reserved.

Beneath the paper wrappings (StF 192) Words and music © Hole Music, sung by Rachel Williamson, accompanied by Shyrleen Pottinger (Scalloway Methodist Church, Shetland).  

O little town of Bethlehem (StF 213) Words © Phillips Brooks; music – traditional English melody. Sung by the choir of Morpeth Methodist Church and St George’s URC, directed by Gillian Irvine.

Into the darkness (StF 173) Words © Thankyou Music, administered by

How hard was that journey (StF+) Words and music © Paul Thompson. Performed by Matt Beckingham (

Hark! The herald-angels sing (StF 202) Words © Charles Wesley; music by Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy. Sung by ‘Sedecim’, a chamber choir made up of pupils from Kent College, the independent Methodist school in Canterbury.

Love came down at Christmas (StF 210) Words © Christina Georgina Rossetti; music by Reginald Owen Morris. Performed by Caleb Dinger (