We’re on our way to Bethlehem but who will show us the way?


Journeys can be long or short, easy or difficult, slow or quick.  You might travel alone or in a group.  You might stop along the way.  You might get lost. You might need help to find your way.

In ADVENT think about the journey of the prophets. In the book of Isaiah they prophesy about a “suffering servant”, a “man of sorrows” who carried the failings of others & atones for the sins of mankind.  He will spread God’s salvation to the world.  He will be the Messiah, the light of the world.

The prophets prepared the journey for the Messiah, the Christ Child – BUT they never got to meet with Him.

Think of others who prepared a journey.

Moses led the children of Israel to the Promised Land but died before they got there.

Martin Luther King in Memphis said “I’ve seen the Promised Land.  I may not get there with you.”  And he didn’t.

Think of your journey of faith & those who helped you along the way.  They may not be with you now.  Perhaps they prepared you, nurtured you & pointed you in the right direction but didn’t come with you.

We’re on the way to Bethlehem but who will show us the way?