Fruits of the spirit – Peace

Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

What is your idea of peace? When I was looking for images to accompany this “thought for the day”, the majority of images were either water or mountainsides.

The previous “thought for the day” was on the topic of joy – an exuberant expression visible to all. There may be an outward expression of peace that others can perceive, but for me, peace is an inner, personal experience. It’s a calmness, an ability to remove oneself from the busyness and distractions of 21st century life – not to ignore the concerns of the world, rather to have an inner sense of calmness that then allows us to face whatever is in front of us.

I like this image of a boat on a still lake, just floating with no sense of hurry. There are two fishing rods hanging over the back of the boat but the two people in the boat are not paying them any attention, one is sitting gazing over the water and the other has the oars and appears to be gently sculling along.

Imagine yourself in that boat, you’ve gone out to catch some fish, and Jesus is with you in the boat. He says,  “just leave the lines, wait for the fish, tell me what’s on your mind”, and he leaves time and space for you to still your thoughts and to bring to him your concerns as he gently rows the boat, the water almost imperceptibly lapping the side of the boat. Jesus will bring you safe to shore, he will provide for your every need, and he will share your burdens and lift them from you, leaving you feeling at peace.