Horse Chestnut

Psalm 1 v 3.That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither, whatever they do prospers.

Godly men and women are compared in Scripture to sturdy trees, planted by the rivers of water, laden with fruit, and full of leaves(Psalm 1 v 3, 104 v 16). In order for us to be fruitful trees, we must:

1.  Stand straight for God. Lives that reveal Christlike character are lovely to behold, for they are not gnarled by sin or rotted by hypocrisy.

2.  Be strong. Those who are well-rooted in God’s Word will be unmovable in times of trial and temptation.

3.  Keep growing. As healthy trees add a new ring of growth each year, we too should constantly grow in grace (2 Peter 3 v 18)

4.  Bring blessings to others. Some trees provide food, others give shade and others are made into lumber. So, too, Christians should provide spiritual food and comfort to their neighbours and use their time and talents to build up others.

Many years ago when I lived in Belfast we had 3 enormous horse chestnut trees in our garden. At this time each year our garden was carpeted about knee-deep in leaves. I love all the glorious autumn colours, the reds, golds, oranges and yellows.

Unfortunately, when a large branch came off one of the trees we realised that there was a problem. It was rotten and when examined by a tree specialist the rot had spread to the whole tree. If it had blown over it would have taken our house with it.

We had no option but to have the tree cut down. In life we need to have the bad removed before it spreads and causes more damage.

Let’s pray that we will continue to grow, to be strong and straight for God and bring blessings to others so that decay will not set in.