Singing songs of expectation

“Through the night of doubt and sorrow
Onward goes the pilgrim band:
Singing songs of expectation
Marching to the Promised Land.”

It saddens me how this song has dropped out of use,  I’ve always found it very helpful.  I’ve some ideas:  a.  People have stopped reading beyond the first line;  b.  The word “Marching” has put people off, mistakenly thinking  there’s a military connotation;  c. They’ve not heard it sung to T. J Williams’ glorious tune “Ebenezer”.

When we connect it to Psalm 23 – how many of us have not had experience of walking in dark places?  And how many of us rejoice that we can follow on in faith, knowing that we will get beyond that dark and reach the light through the  saving  grace of Our Lord Jesus?  That is what this hymn, “Through the night…”, is about: its words do what we all need to do – share that experience of redemption and salvation with others.

We are all on a journey, a journey focussed on God and His will for us.  It will be joyful, it will be full of gracious love, but there will also be times when the light goes out and we feel we are left in the dark.  St. John of the Cross called it the “The Dark Night of the Soul”.  This is where faith comes in, and through that faith comes hope.  We call on the promises of God and we march on in faith, knowing that one day our journey will be complete and we will be with Him.

When I was much younger I read “The Pilgrim’s Progress” for the first time.  Following the pilgrimage of one believer who represented us all, I was impressed with the way God is always there, somehow bringing  light into the dark and being the Good Shepherd to His people.  That book has remained very dear to me over the years and still inspires me with its truth.  Love leads to faith which leads to hope.

Our hymn ends with words of sureness and faith to encourage us on our pilgrimage:

“Soon shall come the great awaking,
Soon the rending of the tomb,
Then the scattering of all shadows,
And the end of toil and gloom.”

Prayer:  Lead us through the darkness of doubt , confusion and worry O Lord.  Make us aware that you are the Leader and that you will not let us fall if we look to follow you.  When life is hard and we are struggling – give us the faith to carry on; give us the hope to keep us going; make us aware of Your ever gracious and never ending love.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen