
My desk is scattered with sheets of paper with various scribblings on. My calendar has various dates filled with activities. My garden is looking decidedly autumnal with fallen leaves and flowers that need deadheading. And then….I get an email saying “yes, it’s me, can you write a Thought for the Day for next week?”

Rather than groaning that there is yet something else to do, it stopped me in my tracks, and fitted perfectly with the theme of the Reflection & Prayer I had attended on Zoom earlier that morning, with other friends from around the Circuit and beyond. Our word this week was SURROUNDED.

Here I was surrounded by my own disorganisation, and I was reminded that we can all at times surround ourselves with busyness, and fail to make space for God.

During the following days, I was still just as busy, but I was more aware of God in the centre of the busyness, and was more able to meet him in the sweeping of leaves – He is the Creator God who brings about the changing seasons; the answering of emails – asking God for discernment in my every day; relaxing in his presence when out on my bicycle, or playing my cello, or attempting a dolphin pose (comes with a health warning!) at the gym.

Prayer: Loving Father, forgive us when we fail to let you in to our busyness. Help us to make You our number one priority each day, and to acknowledge that You are there with us, guiding us, and listening to us in all that we do.