Crumpled Clothes ?

Psalm 136 v 1.
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever.

You don’t have to live long in this world before it becomes painfully clear that nothing lasts forever. The car you were so proud of when you bought it is spending too much time in the garage getting fixed. Those clothes you picked up on sale are now in the hand-me down box. At home, the roof eventually leaks, the appliances break down and the carpet needs to be replaced.

Nothing lasts forever—-nothing but God’s mercy, that is. Twenty six times we are reminded of this inspiring truth in Psalm 136. Twenty six times the writer gives us something for which to praise the Lord, and then he reminds us, “His mercy endures forever.

Think of what this means. When we sin and need forgiveness, His mercy endures forever. When our lives seem a jumbled mess that we can’t control, His mercy endures forever. When life seems overwhelming, we can still praise the Lord, as the psalmist did—-for God’s mercy is always new and fresh.

Why is it that even though you hang clean clothes away neatly in the wardrobe it seems to get in a mess, at least mine does.

So regularly I take everything out and put things away again in an orderly fashion. I was doing this one day during last week when the wind was howling and the rain was lashing down.

A few items didn’t make it back and are now in a bag for recycling. Our lives are a bit like my wardrobe. They need to be regularly cleared out !

Give thanks to God that His heart is always overflowing with mercy