Books, Books, Books!

Books! Books! Books! Hardcovers and paperbacks. Reference works and joke books. Romantic novels and mysteries. Self-help books and religious publications. They just keep appearing and we keep buying them.

We also keep writing them. No wonder Solomon said, “Of making many books there is no end “(Eccl. 12 v 12).

Jill Briscoe was addressing a convention of religious writers and editors. An author of several books and numerous articles, she was talking about what it means to have people read your words and be influenced by your writing. She called it a privilege and a responsibility.

Then Mrs. Briscoe made this provocative statement: “When we get to heaven, ” she said, “we will not say to God, ‘Did you read my book? Rather, God will say to us, ‘Did you read My Book?”

There’s a difference between the books men make and the Book that makes men.

Many years ago, Jill Briscoe was the guest speaker at the annual Presbyterian Women’s Rally in Belfast. Church house was packed and I remember her as an inspirational speaker. She had such energy and passion for her faith.

I read a lot and over the last few months have read even more than I would normally do but I start each day with my Bible readings. Thanks be to God for the people who compile all the prayers and readings in our Methodist Handbook.

“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.” (Psalm 19 v 14).