The Uniqueness of Chris

The Uniqueness of Christ by David Pawson 2 DVDs Anchor Recordings, 1990 4 hours £9.99

This presentation is also available free to view or to download at

There is also a slightly different version on YouTube 1 hour 28 minutes

There are 6 teaching sessions in these two DVDs – 

Part 1 Is He the only Way?

Part 2 What is Truth?

Part 3 Were His deeds and words unique?

Part 4 Who did He think He was?

Part 5 When did His life end?

Part 6 When did His life begin? 

What makes Christianity different from other world religions is the uniqueness of Jesus Christ.  

In the Christian faith, Christ is God who came to earth as a human being. (Philippians 2 3-11; Colossians 1 15-20; John 1 1-5). Does any other world religion make a similar claim?

In these two DVDs, David Pawson presents an excellent account of how Christ is unique in his person, mission and message, comparing him with many other ‘isms’, including, amongst others, rationalism, hedonism, conservationism, humanism, capitalism and socialism.

The presentation is as thorough and careful as one would expect of a Bible teacher like David Pawson.

At the end of the 6th session, you should be more knowledgeable, wiser and more grounded in your faith.

This is an inspiring as well as instructive message.