Look straight ahead…

Proverbs 4 v 25.
Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you

 A gentleman had always heard that if a farmer keeps his eyes on a distant object while he’s ploughing, he’ll make a straight furrow. So, he tested the principle when he mowed his lawn. Sure enough, his first cut was a straight swath of new-mown turf.

If you can plough a straight furrow or mow in a straight line by keeping your eyes fixed on a distant object, surely the principle should be true of life—-especially if the object on which you fix your gaze is the same yesterday, today and forever.

According to the book of Proverbs, the wise person can walk the straight path and not be diverted. In fact, the whole book of Proverbs is about following a straight path. But the Bible doesn’t just advise, “Be wise!” It introduces us to Jesus Christ.
I have a constant companion in my daily life and most of the time we live in harmony. Sometimes he gives me a sharp nudge and reminds me that he can cause me problems. His name is “Vertigo.” When he causes me problems, I can be very dizzy and my co-ordination isn’t great.

When I’m out walking, I have to concentrate really hard to walk in a straight line, but at times I find I’m walking “all over the place.” More concentration is required and I pick a spot to get to and walk towards it.

We need to concentrate on our spiritual life and walk a straight line because if we are not following Christ we may be distracted by earthly things.

Give thanks that we have a loving God who will lead us in the right direction.