“Being a child of God”

Thought for the day – Friday 5th June 2020

Romans 8: 38:  And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from his love.  Death can’t, life can’t.  The angels can’t, the demons can’t.  Our fears for today and our worries about tomorrow and even the powers of Hell can’t keep God’s love away.

The thought for today is a modernised quotation from John Wesley’s sermon “The Marks of the New Birth.”

“To be a child of God is to believe in God, through Christ, so that you can avoid sin and experience at all times and in all places the “peace of God which is beyond our understanding”.  It means hoping, through Christ, so that you can have a clear conscience and in the Holy Spirit which will witness inside you yourself that you are a  child of God.  This will mean  you can only rejoice that you have been totally forgiven.  It means loving God, who has loved you so completely, more than you have ever loved anything or anyone else.  This love will make you want to love others as yourself with a love which burns in your heart and which flames out in all you do and say.  Thus your whole life will become a labour of love”

Thank you, loving God, for the work and witness of John Wesley and for the renewal he led.  We pray for all who work to spread your gospel throughout the world. In Jesus name.