Three years ago today, we published our very first Thought for the day.
Rev. Derek Grimshaw finished this very first thought with the following paragraph.
“I am going to try and commit myself to writing a daily message to be posted on our new website. I am of a mind that we can use the Covid 19 virus to positive effect and maybe with this Circuit having five Circuit Ministers, eleven Supernumerary, Ministers, forty Local Preachers and twenty Worship Leaders, we could perhaps sustain a “thought for the day” even beyond the current situation. My prayer for us as a family in our local Churches and in the wider Circuit is that we not only survive this pandemic, but that we emerge as a stronger community at the other side of all of this.”
We have learnt a lot over the last three years and as a circuit we have many news ways of reaching and keeping in touch with people from within the circuit and beyond. With the introduction of a weekly Ipswich Round email, Lectionary Reflections, Bite Sized Church, Printed service and recorded sermon as well as the daily thought for the day we are constantly trying to strengthen the community that we have within the Ipswich Circuit.
We would like to thank everyone who has contributed to thought for the day and also, we add a new plea for anyone reading this to please consider if you have anything that you would like to contribute as a future thought for the day to help this ministry to continue. As we look to the future 3 years on, we are reminded of these words from Mark 10:27
“Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man, it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God”.