Dear friends,
Today is Advent Sunday and we begin our journey of preparation for the incarnation of Christ. The national Methodist Church has launched its 2022 Christmas Campaign “There is Room” which seeks to demonstrate that the Methodist Church is welcoming and inclusive. We are reminded in the Christmas story that when Mary and Joseph arrived in Bethlehem, there was no room in the Inn and they were forced to stay in
the stable. For generations, people have been told, there is no room on the grounds gender, colour, status, sexual orientation, disability, religious beliefs, the list is almost endless. At a time when inclusivity is hot topic, there are so many places where people who are slightly, or significantly different are still turned away with a very clear message “there is no room” and the Church should be a place where all people feel welcome. I
propose to follow the material during the season of Christmas and hopefully provoke you to reflect on the subject of inclusivity.
Advent 1 When God reigns, there is room for you and me:
As the season of Advent gets under way, we remember that Advent is the season of hope and preparation and as we commence our journey this year we might feel vulnerable. We are made aware of people who are struggling because of the cost of living and the increasing energy costs, but that is only a part of the picture. Some of you will be facing Christmas alone for the first time, others will be struggling with health issues, some will feel alone, some forgotten, ignored and side tracked. The stable is a sign of hope, a sign of welcome and at the beginning of our journey, it is important for us to be reminded that we walk with Christ. You might like to read Isaiah 2: 1-5, the prophesy of hope as the people of Judah were living under threat almost three thousand years ago.
I encourage you to think of the people you know who might feel marginalised this Christmas and by all means
remember them in your prayers. If there are people you know who are finding life difficult at the moment, why not send them a Christmas card, to remind them that they are still loved, maybe even missed, it would be good to share the message of hope and love this Christmas time. I have included a prayer card and leaflet in with postal mailing, if you want to read more on the internet, please click here
There are a couple of events coming up:
Another reminder that Bite Sized Church is back up and running and is available every Wednesday morning.

Follow the Star at Bramford Road. Sunday 11th December 3:30pm.
Please come and witness the Christmas story being told in a fresh and creative way perfect for all the family to enjoy and an ideal experience for children and grandchildren.

With love and best wishes.