Dear friends,
As we move through October things are starting to pick up in the life of the Circuit and our Churches and I thought that it might be helpful to flag up two or three events.

Occasions like this don’t happen very often in a lot of Circuits, please come along and support Ruth. Please also put a note in your diary Wednesday 30th November 2022 at Museum Street Maggie Finbow will be accredited as a Local Preacher.
Memorial Service 4pm 6th November at Bramford Road:
We will be holding our annual memorial service on Sunday 6th November at 4pm at Bramford Road. This will be an opportunity to remember those people special to us who have died. Please let anybody know who you feel will benefit from this service. Refreshments will be served afterwards. This service is not restricted to the people of Bramford Road but is open to anybody who would like to attend, it is a quiet, reflective time of worship.
Follow The Star 3:30pm 11th December at Bramford Road:
Pre Covid, we held this special, family Nativity, with a real donkey! The first part of the story was told in the Church and then the whole congregation followed the star outside onto the field where a life-sized stable will have been erected and where the nativity tableau is built up. We are repeating the event this December, this is a magical event for young and old alike and brings the age-old story to life once again. Please come along and help us make this evening special and memorable.
Ipswich Round:
The Ipswich Round is published online weekly, please make good use of it and advertise what is going on in your own Church, also, please look at what is going on elsewhere in the circuit and support our sister Churches and help us build the community of the Circuit.
With best wishes.