Gift Calendar

Lent is often seen as a time when we give up something but at Chantry this year we are looking at what we have and being thankful.

Some of you will know what a Lent Gift Calendar is as I know it has been done in many churches.  The idea is that each day you check the calendar to see what is says.  For example: to give 2p for each water tap in your home; 2p for every pair of shoes you have; 10p if you smoke; 2p for every Bible you have (that cost us!).  we kept the cost down so it became fun as well as very meaningful.

On Easter Sunday our total gifts will be brought to the Service and dedicated.

I think this sort of thing makes you realise just how fortunate we are.  So many people don’t have running water or only one pair of shoes if they are lucky.  It isn’t only aboard in Africa or India, for example, where people don’t have running water.  Those people who have leprosy and lose the feeling in their feet often have to have their lower limbs amputated because of ulcers, to add to their problems.

So, next time you turn the tap on, and water comes out, just think of the people who cannot do that and how fortunate we are.