Christ’s transforming power

How much do Christians in Niger, a predominantly Muslim country in West Africa, have to teach Christians in the West ?

The Bible Society issues a monthly newsletter to those who belong to the Bible a Month community of about 23,000 people.

Two countries are covered in each newsletter with reports from Bible Society secretaries, factual details about the countries concerned (area, population, languages, literacy rates) and key prayer points.

A recent newsletter, August/September 2021, reports on Lebanon and Niger.

Niger is a landlocked country in West Africa, bordered by Libya, Chad, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Mali and Algeria. It is five times bigger in area than the UK.

Hama Yaye is the General Secretary of the Bible Society of Niger which is about 98% Muslim.

Yet, he reports, Christians in his country are highly respected. They stand out for their integrity of character and honesty.

The Christians in Niger certainly do have something to teach us – the example of Christ’s transforming power.